Samsung had quite a show on the 14th , debuting their latest beauty ( Ahem.. made of plastic ) , the Galaxy S4 . So , Apple has now taken the competition quite seriously and have updated their iPhone Webpage praising the iPhone 5 against the competition .
Apple has also emailing the webpage to it's customers . As you go by , you'll read
Loving it is easyWell , that's catchy .Exploring the page , the iPhone giant gives a slight note of iPhone 5's awesome functionality and features .
That's why so many people do.
- Thin and light without sacrificing performance.
- Only iPhone has Retina Display , I think apple got ruled out over this as the Galaxy S4 boasts a super Amloed screen with a 1080 p resolution and that is way beyond the retina display .
- Great Battery life , that's true .
- Great camera , Siri and Millions of apps .
- And finally the iCloud Service.
While Apple has made a good attempt at gathering attention , LG pulled off an epic troll to the S4 poster in New York City " Be Ready 4 The Next Galaxy " .
Android fans ?
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